The Giving Keys

Hey guys! I'm back...excuse my absence. I was away for a few weeks in regards to our adoption, a post about that hopefully to come! 

Have you heard of The Giving Keys ? I love this Los Angeles based company & their concept for several reasons.  Not sure if you knew, but my passions is helping the homeless & those less fortunate, so, The Giving Keys really struck a chord with me.  This brand takes fashion accessories to a new level by employing those who are looking to transition out of homelessness.  I'm always intrigued how companies started and what inspired them. I love the story of how it all began on their site. Check it out.

It started with a New York hotel room key. The Giving Keys founder, actress and singer/songwriter, Caitlin Crosby, wore the key as a necklace and had the idea to start engraving old, used keys with inspirational words. Realizing that in a way we are all like these keys  unique, flawed, scarred, and at risk of being discarded – she wanted these keys to have their purpose renewed over and over again. Their message is yours for a time, but once they've served their purpose with you, pay it forward to inspire another.   -   Pretty neat huh?


Well, when they contacted me at the end of January, I was still very heartbroken over the death of our boxer, Darla, (which you can read about here).  When they asked what I wanted written on my key I had two requests, one that said "Nuevo" & the other would read "Darla" in memory of our pup.
Nuevo, of course for the new life in Christ I lead - and all things new to come. At the time I had no idea of what NEW was to really come .... I got the gold Dainty key pendant.

So,what do you think? Is this something you'd wear? They are customizable - so you have quite a lot of room to think of what you want it to say, but remember Pay It Forward.

-images of darla and nuevo keys by jen ramos

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